Common Sense Songs
Wednesdays 8-10pm A combination of mostly folk (and other genres) music and current or historical themes, often of a political/social justice/racial justice/peace nature - the music designed to enhance the presentation of the issues discussed. Hosted by Graham and Barbara Dean. Graham and Barbara Dean are an Anglo/American couple who have been living in Great Barrington for over 40 years. They met when Barbara came to England in the 1970's. The Berkshires is where they chose to raise their family. They are songwriters and singers having released one recording "Tom Paine's Blues" in 2004. A long awaited follow up is in the works. They began the show "Common Sense Songs, the name inspired by Thomas Paine's influential pamphlet, in April 2005. It has been on the air ever since apart from a brief interruption during the covid epidemic. They still believe that a song can make a difference and help to make the world a better place.